Atomic Models Quiz

Use the following people and terms to answer the following questions. People and terms may be used more than once or not at all!

Chadwick Rutherford Dalton Democritus Thomson
Millikan cathode ray tube proton neutron electron
atom bromine mercury fluorine helium
1. Confirmed the existence of the neutron ____________________
2. Largest of the sub-atomic particles ____________________
3. Device in which electrons travel as rays from negative to positive pole. ____________________
4. Suggested existence of atom in the 4th century B. C. ____________________
5. Studied ratios in which elements combine in chemical reactions. He used his results to formulate an atomic theory. ____________________
6. Discovered electrons in 1897 ____________________
7. Proposed that a cathode ray is a stream of negatively charged particles moving at high speed. ____________________
8. The mass of this particle is about1/2000 than of a hydrogen atom ____________________
9. This substance is a red liquid at room temperature ____________________
10. Discovered the nucleus of the atom ____________________
11. This substance is a silver liquid at room temperature ____________________
12. Determined the quantity of charge carried by an electron ____________________
13. Stated, without experimental evidence, that the atom is indestructible and indivisible ____________________
14. This is the name of a negatively charged subatomic particle ____________________
15. This substance is a noble gas ____________________

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Animated Graphics
Courtesy of
Jo's World
atom image from the Federal Emergency Management Agency
Chemical and Radiological Preparedness Division