Creature Sketches

Judith S. de Nuño

Science at Marymount

Office Hours
Daily at Lunch in the Science Patio

Cyber Office Hours
AIM: teachsci23

Chrysanthemum maximum or Chrysanthemum superbum
  • Kingdom Plantae
  • Division Anthophyta
  • Class Dicoytledonae
  • Order Asterales
  • Family Asteraceae
The shasta daisy is a clump-forming perennial plant bearing white flower heads with gold centers.  It grows to about 3 feet tall and grows best in full sun to partial shade in flower beds with moist, well-drained soil.  It is an extremely hardy plant and can be grown from seed.  It is a composite flower, which means the head is actually composed of numerous single flowers each containing a pistil and/or a stamen. The white petals are actually ray flowers and the gold center is composed of numerous tube-shaped flowers. A similar wildflower is the Ox-Eyed Daisy, Chrysanthemum leucanthemum.

Science Resources
AP Biology Biology Honors Chemistry
Anatomy Projects  Biology Honors Projects Chemistry Projects
bone images  flower images   micro-images    leaf images   carbon models   periodic table
science images hotlist    grandeur    anatomy art gallery
Webquest on Science Webquests   Virtual Tours with a Science Twist

Animated Graphics
Courtesy of
Jo's World