Shapes of Nature

Judith S. de Nuño

Science at Marymount

Office Hours
Daily at Lunch in the Science Patio

Cyber Office Hours
AIM: teachsci23


Shapes in Nature:

A Biology Honors Symposium Marymount High School

  • Watch Movie on Shapes of Nature
  • List the six shapes
  • Provide 3 examples for each shape
  • Walk outside, find, and describe 3 additional examples for each shape (not example from movie). You may use the science department's digital camera to take a photograph of one of the shapes.
  • Type Notes and E-mail to Mrs. Nuņo at as the text of a message. Remember to put your name and Shapes Notes in the subject field and your name and Shapes Notes at the beginning of the messaage
  • Prepare a Power Point Presentation on 1 of the shapes with 4~6 slides including title and reference slides
  • You need to find graphics illustrating 1 of the shapes. You need to explain the shape how the graphic illustrates the shape
  • E-mail as an attachment to Mrs. Nuno at
  • PowerPoints will be presented in class
  • Be prepared to answer the following questions in class as a reflection/assessment on the Shapes Project. We will be typing the responses as an email message during class time
    • Two important components of scientific methods are making observations and finding information. Your initial observations in the Shapes of Nature project involved viewing a movie and learning the concepts of the different shapes. You then went outside into the natural world and found examples of each shape. You made further shape observations at the Long Beach Aquarium. Then you searched the Internet to find examples and explanations for one specific shape. Describe how the the shape observations you made and the search process on the Internet relate to scientific methods.
    • Another component of scientific methods is cooperation and collaboration with colleagues. In the Shapes of Nature project you cooperated and collaborated with each other in finding, describing, and explaining shapes and in finding, selecting, copying, and inserting visual and verbal information in your presentations. You also shared information and experience in putting together the presentations. Based on your cooperation and collaboration experiences in preparing your Shape of Nature presentation, describe how and why cooperation and collaboration are important in the scientific process.
    • List 5 new facts that you learned about Shapes of Nature from someone else's presentation.